Ezechielové proroctvo 48 a precesný cyklus Zeme alebo sa nazýva aj Platónsky rok. Jedna perióda precesie trvá približne 25800 rokov (obyčajne sa uvádza 25725 alebo 25850 rokov), táto perióda sa nazýva aj platónsky rok. Platónsky rok alebo aj Veľký rok alebo Ekvinokciálny cyklus je doba obehu stredného svetového pólu okolo pólu ekliptiky. Tento obeh je dôsledkom precesie. Dĺžka Platónskeho roku je 25 725 rokov. V skutočnosti nie je trvanie tohto cyklu konštantné, pretože rýchlosť precesie sa mení s časom.
Napísal som to v EN verzii, kde vidno lepšie čisla.
Ezekiel 45
When you allot the land as an inheritance, you are to present to the Lord a portion of the land as a sacred district, 25,000 cubits long and 20,000 cubits wide; the entire area will be holy. Of this, a section 500 cubits square is to be for the sanctuary, with 50 cubits around it for open land. n the sacred district, measure off a section 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 cubits wide. In it will be the sanctuary, the Most Holy Place. It will be the sacred portion of the land for the priests, who minister in the sanctuary and who draw near to minister before the Lord. It will be a place for their houses as well as a holy place for the sanctuary. An area 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 cubits wide will belong to the Levites, who serve in the temple, as their possession for towns to live in.
You are to give the city as its property an area 5,000 cubits wide and 25,000 cubits long, adjoining the sacred portion; it will belong to all Israel.
Ezekiel 48
Bordering the territory of Judah from east to west will be the portion you are to present as a special gift. It will be 25,000 cubits wide, and its length from east to west will equal one of the tribal portions; the sanctuary will be in the center of it.
The special portion you are to offer to the Lord will be 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 cubits wide. This will be the sacred portion for the priests. It will be 25,000 cubits long on the north side, 10,000 cubits wide on the west side, 10,000 cubits wide on the east side and 25,000 cubits long on the south side. In the center of it will be the sanctuary of the Lord. This will be for the consecrated priests, the Zadokites, who were faithful in serving me and did not go astray as the Levites did when the Israelites went astray. It will be a special gift to them from the sacred portion of the land, a most holy portion, bordering the territory of the Levites.
Alongside the territory of the priests, the Levites will have an allotment 25,000 cubits long and 10,000 cubits wide. Its total length will be 25,000 cubits and its width 10,000 cubits. hey must not sell or exchange any of it. This is the best of the land and must not pass into other hands, because it is holy to the Lord.
The remaining area, 5,000 cubits wide and 25,000 cubits long, will be for the common use of the city, for houses and for pastureland. The city will be in the center of it 16 and will have these measurements: the north side 4,500 cubits, the south side 4,500 cubits, the east side 4,500 cubits, and the west side 4,500 cubits. The pastureland for the city will be 250 cubits on the north, 250 cubits on the south, 250 cubits on the east, and 250 cubits on the west. What remains of the area, bordering on the sacred portion and running the length of it, will be 10,000 cubits on the east side and 10,000 cubits on the west side. Its produce will supply food for the workers of the city. The workers from the city who farm it will come from all the tribes of Israel. The entire portion will be a square, 25,000 cubits on each side. As a special gift you will set aside the sacred portion, along with the property of the city.
What remains on both sides of the area formed by the sacred portion and the property of the city will belong to the prince. It will extend eastward from the 25,000 cubits of the sacred portion to the eastern border, and westward from the 25,000 cubits to the western border. Both these areas running the length of the tribal portions will belong to the prince, and the sacred portion with the temple sanctuary will be in the center of them. So the property of the Levites and the property of the city will lie in the center of the area that belongs to the prince. The area belonging to the prince will lie between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin.
Slovenská verzia
The massive stellar flare is shown in red, with the smaller earlier flare in orange, and the enhanced emission surrounding the flare that could mimic a disk in blue. At its peak, the flare increased Proxima Centauri’s brightness by 1,000 times.
Na prechod do vyššej dimenzie je potrebná obrovská energia. Ak je tento proces riadený po menšich cykloch tak….pochopíme čo sa píše v Biblii v rajskej záhrade: …..Strom života je strom uprostred rajskej záhrady, ktorého ovocie malo zaručiť večný život.
“Nesmiete jesť z nijakého rajského stromu!”
Oni zjedli
Potom im Pán, Boh, povedal: „Hľa, človek sa stal ako jeden z nás! Poznal dobro i zlo. Len aby teraz nenačiahol svoju ruku po strome života a nejedol, a nežil naveky!”.
Čo to asi znamená??? “Ste ako Boh, dokážete veci ako ON”
Ja zato nemôžem, ale tak je to tam napísané:)) https://www.mojabiblia.sk/svatepismo/1/kniha-genezis-kapitola-3/katolicky-preklad
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